Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Camping (the longest post ever)

It's spring break this week for Alan and we wanted to do something fun but also we went camping!! He says it was the first time he'd ever gone camping, but who knows with this kid. Every night when we put him to bed he says "this was the best day ever!" It was definitely Ammon's first campout, we were pretty worried (new parent disease) about him falling in the fire or creek, eating a stick and choking and dying, getting stung/bit by anything pretty much anything bad that could happen we worried about it!

We had the best campsite!! It was right on Squaw Creek that feeds into the Paluxy & Brazos. We didn't have anybody around us, plus there was a huge hill that had roots and vines sticking out of and the kids spent hours playing on it.
Backpack worked out great! Ammon loved it.
MMMMM Dutch Oven Pizza!
Gettin the coals ready!
Hey! This isn't a nudist camp!! Get some clothes on!!Silly upside down photo....I think we had a few to many smores in us at this point.
Makin' smores, nothing more romantical then that:)

Except for this...Ammon's first smore

Playing in the creek

Just loving the outdoors

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