Saturday, December 15, 2007

Nobody Likes Getting Older

On Thursday Ammon turned 8!!! He is growning up so fast. Our normally happy little guy was actually sick and running a fever, so smiles were few and far between for the both of us. Sick days are the hardest. He is still under the weather and I hope he will feel better soon. I love this expression. I am sure he is thinking " what is the point of this again??"
Are we done yet?

I seeeeee you and the mess behind the rocker!!!


Hunter Family said...

hey Jessica! I need you to call Krystal or my mom and get my e-mail address so I can send you bruise pictures from the accident.

Poor Ammon. Ally hasn't been sick yet (knock on wood) but I think she's teething! Hopefully he'll get to feeling better so he can come and see his girlfriend soon. Andy said he wants to have you guys over soon so let me know how your calendar looks over the next few weeks!

jess... said...
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Mubeen said...

Too cute! They grow up so fast!!!

Anonymous said...

Come on mom give the kid a break he's like, "seriously every month I get bigger and my crazy mom comes out with the camera sheesh"Just Joking!!!I am crazy with the camera.Yes there is such a mess behind that rocker, my house never looks like that!!How can you live with yourself??

BROOKE said...

I like that number 8 were did you get those.
I need new toys for Jeremiah. And that looks like a good chew toy..
sorry ammons sick, no fun, for you both.